Dr Bhaumik Shah has obtained an MD degree with thesis on Connective tissue disorders.
He trained for his fellowship in medical oncology from 3 different hospitals. They were the
Canberra Hospital, Andrew Love Cancer Center, Geelong and Peter MacCallum Cancer
Center in East Melbourne. This was a deliberate choice to expand the knowledge of variety
of clinical practices and work under mentorship of variety of senior consultants.
He has obtained ‘specialist certificate in research in clinical oncology’ from Melbourne University.
He has also obtained recognition from Monash University for a course on ‘community based
palliative care’.
He has contributed to research by various projects resulting in presentations and publications. He is passionate about teaching junior doctors about art and science of medical oncology.
He is a member of a large number of professional bodies – MOGA, ASCO, ESMO, MASCC, ANZBCTG, ALTG, ANZUP, COGNO, PoCoG, TROG, PC4TG, AGITG, ANZGOG and PCN.
He treats all cancers. They include, but are not limited to, breast, lung, gastrointestinal, prostate, testicular, bladder, kidney, brain, and head and neck cancer. He also consults for patients with suspected cancers.
His area of special interest is supportive care. This is often forgotten part of practice of medical oncology. He believes strongly that cancer doesn’t affect only a person’ body. It affects to variable extent the whole family and friends. It needs not only looking after body but also needs comforting the mind and nourishing the soul.
He has a young family. His wife, Dr Boski Shah, is an obstetrician and gynecologist (drboskishah.com.au). He has a son and a daughter. He enjoys study of languages (etymology) and travel to explore different cultures.
